Lighten Up on the Nasdaq 100 (QQQ)

On Wednesday (7/29/2020), the Federal Reserve left its overnight lending rate at the zero-bound range of 0.00%-0.25%. The Fed also reasserted its commitment to a wide array of lending and asset purchasing programs via digital money printing. No surprises there. There...

Mega-Cap Stock Madness

There are times when one ought to look beneath the covers. For example, if you merely scroll the headlines (7/16/20), you’d read that initial jobless claims fell to a post-pandemic low of 1.3 million. Never mind the persistently high claims above one million. Things...

The Nasdaq is a Crazy Train

Some analysts have resorted to rationalizing the stock bubble with never-before-seen valuation measures. To wit, if one ignores the past 12 months (Trailing P/E), and disregards projections for the next 12 months (Forward P/E), the 24-month forward “guestimate” for...

No Reckoning for Wall Street’s Worst

Wall Street is unabashedly loony at the moment. Stocks remind me of Clark Griswold’s famous line in National Lampoon’s Vacation, “This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy.” In every previous recession, corporations reduced their leverage to shore up...

Irrational Stock Prices Meet Exuberant Investors

Reasonable estimates suggest that our consumer-based economy will not recover its 2019 GDP glory until 2023. Why stocks trade at 2023 levels in 2020 is bizarre. In truth, households continue to struggle to pay regular bills, with more than one third looking to delay...

The W-Shaped Recovery For U.S. Stocks

The notion that the bear market for U.S. stocks has ended is fanciful. For example, is it really the case that financial firms are on the mend? They’re restricting access to credit, increasing reserves for loan losses and showing few signs of resilience beyond a...